About Ginseng

American ginseng is the root part of ginseng, which belongs to the Panax genus in the Araliaceae family; it is mainly produced in the United States and Canada, and is also introduced in China, which the Chinese-grown American ginseng are called "planted western ginseng"; there are 2 types of American ginseng, "wild" and "planted", while the wild American ginseng is grown in the nature, planted American ginseng is artificially planted.

- American ginseng → produced in the United States and Canada, has a light-yellow epidermal with rough texture, the circles on the cross-section are more obvious; it is bitter when first chewed, but a sweet aroma can be tasted gradually.                     
- Western ginseng → produced in North-East China, has a greyish-yellow epidermal, the ginseng has a rather firm texture and weights relatively heavier, with less lines on the body surface, and a delicate chrysanthemum pattern can be observed on the cross-section; has a bitter but sweet taste.                     
- White dry ginseng → produced in North-East China, weights relatively less, has wider intervals between the lines on the body surface, and marks of nodes can be observed; has a faint and fishy taste.


American ginseng is an excellent tonic for yin and qi, retreats the heat and heals the lungs, nourishes the stomach and promotes saliva; suitable for people who are weak, having asthenic fever and always thirsty, or suffering from dry mouth and qi deficient.

Preparation and Storage

- Cut the ginseng root into thin slices, wash with water and it can be used for cooking or as a drink with hot water as a substitute for tea.
- American ginseng can also be grinded into powder, to drink with hot water as a drink or to be added into soup
- Make soup with 25g American ginseng, 10 heart-shaped jujubes, 1 snakehead, 600g lean pork. The soup has an effect of healing heart and treating blood deficient, treating swelling and promotes growth.

American ginseng should be stored under good ventilation and avoid sunlight. If planned to store for a longer period, please seal and put into the refrigerator (0-8˚C).


Korean Ginseng is also known as Gao-Li-Shen in Chinese. Korean ginseng is a medicinal plant reported to have wondrous palliative powers. Although it grows in other countries as well, it is wildly cultivated in Korea where the climate and soil produce the world's finest specimens. It is a perennial herb that belongs to the Araliaceae family. There are 4 types of Korean Ginseng that can be found in the market. They are the fresh Ginseng, the white Ginseng, the red Ginseng and the Sun Ginseng. The fresh Ginseng has a water content of approximately 75% and can only we kept for a short period of time. The white Ginseng comes from peeled fresh Ginseng that is being air dried in the sun to a water content of approximately 12% or less. The fresh Ginseng used is usually of age 4 to 6 years. The red Ginseng comes from steam-curing unpeeled fresh Ginseng at high temperature of 100 degree Celsius, thereby giving it a reddish-brown colour. Steaming the root prevents the breakdown of active ingredients. Good red Ginseng is usually of age 6 years or more. The sun Ginseng comes from using higher heat processing method to amplify the Ginsenoside components, as compared to red Ginseng. The taste of Korean Ginseng is sweet with a little bitter after taste.


It contains vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, natural enzymes and Korean red ginseng also boasts an unparalleled mineral content. Containing 42 natural minerals, Korean red ginseng offers a wide variety of beneficial nutrients to the body.


Korean Ginseng has the strongest invigorating property among all Ginsengs. It aids in promoting strong Qi and blood circulation. This results in good mental alertness, more energetic body, improved appetite and digestion and strengthens Lungs and Spleen. Korean Ginseng is also recommended for elderly or convalescents who would like to regain energy loss and build up physical strength. Women after childbirth can also benefit from consuming Korean ginseng. People prone to shortness of breath, irritability and over-perspiration will also find it effective.


Korean Ginseng can be chopped finely and added to a cup of boiling water and be taken as Tea infusion. Alternatively, the Korean Ginseng can be double-boiled in water together with chicken or pork and consume as a soup.

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